Happy Earth Day April 22 2016

Packaging that is environmentally friendly

Happy Earth Day! While I am not a hardcore activist, I do believe that small changes can add up to make a big impact. When I started my line in 2008 I quickly realized that there are many ways to execute those types of small changes inside my business. One of the biggest areas I have focused on is my packaging. 

Being mindful about your packaging materials

Since 2009 my paper packaging is all new but comprised of recycled materials. This includes the boxes and mailers I use for each package as well as all of my packaging inserts and jewelry cards. Before introducing any kind of new paper packaging I research my materials and ensure they are comprised of recycled materials. In addition, I purchase all of my boxes and the speciality paper used for my jewelry cards and packaging inserts here in New England. My business cards are also printed here in New England. They are all a bit more expensive then what I could find elsewhere but I chose New England based suppliers to reduce my carbon footprint. Finally, I do not print paper receipts to include in each package. I email all receipts directly to customers to save on printing mass amounts of paper.

Packaging your products responsibly, Responsible packaging


All images: Rebecca Tollefsen via Instagram