Rustic Crouton Recipe March 22 2012

John makes really great croutons and they always make the house smell amazing. Yesterday he sought out some bread for a salad we had for dinner. He choose a rustic multigrain loaf that toasted up into beautiful, hearty croutons that added a nutty flavor and wonderful texture to our salad.

3 cups of cubed bread
2 garlic cloves, minced
3 tablespoons olive oil
pinches of sea salt

The process:
Heat olive oil and garlic in skillet. Add the cubed bread to the pan and toast over medium heat; about two to three minutes per side. You can eyeball the croutons depending on the level of toastiness you desire. Let cool and sprinkle lightly with a touch of sea salt.

Obvious pairings are the old standards of soup and salad. These multigrain croutons would be a hearty addition to any light broth soup or even a plain cream based soup that needed a little jazz (think tomato or garlic cream).  They were delicious on the shrimp Caesar salad John prepared last night.  I imagine they would also be excellent for Panzanella Salad or dipping into various infused oil concoctions.  John added the suggestion of pairing these with some cheese and wine for light party fare or as an appetizer.

Images:  Rebecca Tollefsen