Five Best January 04 2013

1.  The winter sun - would you try it?

2.  When To Say Nothing - the title matches the content perfectly.  Go take a look - I'm certain you will find it amazing and/or interesting.

3.  I'm back to work after a nice holiday vacation.  Here's what I've been listening to and watching while working: I've been watching: Season Two of Boardwalk Empire

4.  I've listened to: Fresh Air with Quentin Tarantino - beware there is uncomfortable annoyance on Quentin Tarantino's part in this episode but a great Terry Gross interview none-the-less. TED Radio Hour - Food Matters , KEXP - Beach House , Fresh Air:  Critics Picks for 2012:  Top Ten TV show, movies, books and albums of 2012.

5.  Currently loving:  this corner nook, the color and shape of this tile, this cowl, and I will leave you on this note.

Image:  Rebecca Tollefsen